The CATS Global Council has developed and launched a roadmap which outlines the long term goals, intermediate milestones and actions that will need to be achieved in the years between now and 2045 to keep aviation on a path towards the future we have set for ourselves. Critical enablers and evolutionary steps have been identified in ambitious but achievable timelines.
The roadmap is a living document for which industry holds itself accountable for progress, along with direct engagement with ICAO, States, standards organisations and regional and national regulators. The roadmap will be used to galvanise the industry and to enlist and engage stakeholders in the CATS vision for future skies and the necessary activities to get there.
Fourteen long-term goals have been identified which relate to all of the seven building blocks of the CATS Global Council vision.
For each long-term goal, the roadmap identifies the key milestones and actions that need to occur to achieve it. Over 70 milestones and 100 actions have been identified.
The milestones and actions in the CATS Global Council Vision Roadmap are included in Annex B or are available as aninteractive format.
The roadmap is a concrete example of the power of cross-industry leadership that the Global Council has generated. There is a great deal of work to be done, but with the completion of the roadmap, our pathway to the vision for the skies of 2045 has become clearer.